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Andrew Ball
Sport Management 2011

Current Position: Assistant General Manager of the Houston Astros
Story Last Updated: Summer 2024
Journey to GMercyU
Andrew Ball graduated from Blue Mountain High School in Schuylkill Haven, Pa. in 2007. His first exposure to GMercyU and the largest selling point for GMercyU was the baseball program and its former coaches Paul Murphy and Dan Buckley.
I also had a good experience learning about the academic program and liked the fact that the school was close to a major city, which was different from what I was used to living in a much more rural part of Pennsylvania.
Playing baseball all of his life, Andrew knew he wanted to continue playing at the collegiate level. After countless recruiting trips across the northeast, he felt GMercyU was the right mix of receiving a well-rounded education while participating in competitive athletics.
Andrew said his favorite memories about GMercyU are "the friendships and community."
"There are teammates, classmates, and faculty members that I'm very glad to say I still have in my life even ten years after graduating," Andrew said.
Experience in the Sports Management Program
Andrew gained much knowledge from his business classes, especially the sport-focused classes.
I've found that a lot of what I do on a daily basis has been learned on the job, but the foundation and the ways I approach problems were largely influenced by my education at GMercyU.
How GMercyU Contributed to Andrew's Success
"While the education itself was helpful, I'd largely point to the teachers, coaches, and other faculty members that pushed me to be better in many ways and supported me to go after things I wasn't sure I could achieve," Andrew said.
On campus, Andrew developed special relationships with not only his teammates and coaches, but with several professors and faculty members. Andrew's business professors, Stephen Mumford and Ron Bruce specifically, armed him with the knowledge he needed to step into the workforce immediately.
"I'm very thankful I had them to help me out in the early going," Andrew said.
Andrew graduated from GMercyU in 2011 with his Bachelor of Science in Sports Management.
You seldom hear of someone leaving a full-time position behind for an internship with no job security. That is, unless everything you have done since you first saw Nolan Ryan pitch at Arlington Stadium at just two years of age has been toward your dream of working in Major League Baseball.
Andrew took a gamble when he left his job as the Baseball Operations Manager of the York Revolution to take an internship with the front office of the Tampa Bay Rays. It was a risk he felt necessary.
"I knew in college I wanted to work in Major League Baseball one day, and so I sent resumes out to all thirty teams when I was working in York. I was fortunate enough to interview with a few of them, and to land a position with the Rays," Andrew said.
His gamble might have seemed risky, but after his internship ended, Andrew landed a full-time position with the Tampa Bay Rays as an Assistant in Baseball Operations where he served as a liaison between scouts and the front office for several years. He eventually took on the role of Director of Baseball Operations for the Los Angeles Angels.
Andrew now works as the Assistant General Manager of the Houston Astros.
He said it was a combination of things that got him to where he is now.
Good fortune to be in the right place at the right time has certainly been a part of it.
He has always worked hard and is constantly trying to expand his knowledge. Being adaptable to fill a variety of roles throughout his career has been a huge factor in his success.
"The biggest thing that has helped me, however, has been having the right people in my life to support me, teach me, and advocate for me. That includes bosses, teachers, friends, and family who have all helped a great deal along the way," Andrew said.